Everything you need to succeed in your board position with Eno Rugby.

General Information

This site is maintained by the President with collaboration from each board member to ensure that all written processes remain up to date with actual Club operations. If you are a board member who needs to make an update to this handbook, please discuss it with Lauren Sheridan, who will collaborate with you on making the necessary changes.

Browse topics in the left-side navigation pane, or search for what you need using the top-right magnifying glass.

The board exists to manage the general operations of the club and work towards Eno's mission. The board is elected yearly at the conclusion of the Spring matrix season (along with field captains). the board meets at minimum twice each matrix season (fall and spring) with additional meetings as needed.

Guiding Documents

These are the official documents that have been adopted by vote of the membership body of Eno, which guide the Club's overall mission and general structure as an organization.

Executive Board Officers

Position Descriptions

These descriptions are copied directly from the current iteration of Eno's bylaws, and may differ from operations described in this handbook.


The duties of the President include calling and presiding over all executive board and Corporation meetings. The President shall have the determining vote in any issue facing the executive board upon which a tie vote is encountered. This individual shall also be the primary coordinator of all functions related to the management of the Corporation and its Officers and shall assist in the delegation of various Corporation responsibilities. This individual shall be the Corporation’s Union Representative, attending all union meetings and functions as required by the union. The main objective of the President shall be to promote and monitor the Corporation’s well-being. The President shall also be responsible for overseeing Corporation responsibilities and ensuring compliance with the By-Laws. The President shall, with the assistance of the Member at Large, maintain a register of all active player and social members and their standing within the Corporation.


The Treasurer shall be responsible for filing the Corporation’s Annual Report with the Secretary of State. The Treasurer will be responsible for the collection of all members fees including, but not limited to Corporation and union dues, uniform payments, fundraising contributions, insurance payments, tournament fees and travel/lodging charges. This individual shall also be responsible for depositing the above funds into the Corporation’s account and any matters pertaining to the balance of this account. The Treasurer shall submit a proposed budget to the executive board prior to the start of each season. The Treasurer shall also pay all Corporation union dues, tournament fees, CIPP registration fees and equipment purchases in a timely and professional manner. Record keeping of the following will also be the Treasurer’s responsibility: members’ payment of dues, fees, equipment charges, referee payment and fundraising contributions. If, upon her termination or at any time said monies are unaccounted, the Treasurer shall be held directly responsible and shall reimburse the Corporation for any losses. The extent of such losses shall be determined by the Executive Officers. The Executive Officers reserve the right to review the status of any and all Corporation accounts. Reference Article VI for additional information on Financial Accounting.

Match Secretary

The Match Secretary shall be responsible for scheduling all matches and tournaments for the Corporation and reporting the Corporation schedule to the appropriate union officials. This person may delegate tournament coordination responsibilities to Corporation members as needed. This individual shall be provided with a contact list of all opposing rugby clubs from her predecessor and in turn shall maintain such a list during her term. The Match Secretary shall work closely with the coaches to determine the length of the season, start and finish dates and the strategic scheduling of all matches during the season, including official as well as friendly matches. Match information will be communicated to the Corporation membership and to the opposing team’s Match Secretary as needed. This individual shall be responsible for securing practice and match fields before the scheduled events and for securing referees for home matches. The Match Secretary shall also be responsible for all details pertaining to the marking of the pitch preceding matches, in compliance with USA Rugby guidelines. This officer shall submit a proposed field and referee budget to the Treasurer for approval prior to the start of each season, and will work with the Treasurer to ensure timely payment of field and referee costs.

Recruitment Chair

The duties of the Recruitment Chair shall be to coordinate all facets of the Corporation’s recruiting process. This includes, but is not limited to, the creation and posting of advertisements for new recruitment of new player members and/or social members in conjunction with the Public Relations Chair, as well as the facilitation of new player and social member involvement in Corporation activities. This individual shall also serve as a telephone, email, and social media contact person for new recruits and may also solicit volunteers from the player and social member bodies to post advertisements, serve as alternate phone contacts, reach out to new members, or aid in any other ways deemed necessary. The Recruitment Chair will collaborate with the Social Chair to manage all aspects of the Social Membership program, including, but not limited to, soliciting new members, providing incentives for membership, and facilitating social member involvement in Corporation activities.

Fundraising Chair

The duty of the Fundraising Chair shall be to set fundraising goals for the Corporation based on the yearly budget provided by the Treasurer. This person shall coordinate all events related to raising funds for the Corporation. This individual shall plan a minimum of one event or project per season to raise funds for the Corporation. The Fundraising Chair may recruit volunteers from the members to assist in fundraising efforts. The Fundraising Chair shall also seek outside sponsorships for the Corporation, in accordance with the regulations of the Corporation’s 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. This person will manage all aspects of the donation process, including the provision of board-approved incentives to qualifying sponsors and issuance of appropriate acknowledgements to contributing members and sponsors. This individual shall coordinate with the Treasurer on the financial needs of the Corporation and the allocation and availability of Corporate funds to sponsor fundraising events. In the event of a vacancy in the Presidency prior to election, the Fundraising Chair shall serve as acting-President until a new candidate is elected.

Social Chair

The Social Chair is responsible for coordinating all social activities of the Corporation; this shall include arranging food, beverage, utensils, and a suitable location for post-match social and end-of-season dinners. This individual is responsible for providing social details and arranging housing for visiting rugby clubs when necessary. The Social Chair will also work with the President to coordinate member participation in a minimum of one philanthropic event per year. The Social Chair will collaborate with the Recruitment Chair to manage all aspects of the Social Membership program, including, but not limited to, soliciting new members, providing incentives for membership, and facilitating social member involvement in Corporation activities. The Social Chair will submit a proposed budget to the executive board prior to the start of each season and will consult with the Fundraising Chair and Treasurer as needed.

Public Relations Chair

The Public Relations Chair is responsible for the maintenance of the brand and public image of the Corporation. Her duties include management of the Corporation’s presence online, on the air, and in print. The Public Relations chair will collaborate with the Social Chair, Fundraising Chair, Recruitment Chair, and Member at Large as appropriate to promote and advertise the Corporation’s social, philanthropic, financial, and rugby-related endeavors to the general public. This individual is responsible for the creation of original promotional media and materials, including updating our schedule and making announcements with local news outlets and other community calendars. The Public Relations Chair will assist other officers with duties central to the mission of each of their positions as appropriate, and may also enlist the help of fellow officers or Members in her efforts.

Member at Large

The Member at Large serves as the liaison between the current members and alumni. In conjunction with the Public Relations Chair, this individual is responsible for publishing an Eno River Women’s Rugby Club newsletter each season and distributing the publication to current and retired Player and Social Members. This individual will coordinate with the Match Secretary and Social Chair to plan and schedule a minimum of one alumni event and/or match per year. She will also work with the Public Relations Chair to ensure that alumni and friends of the Corporation are well-engaged. The Member at Large shall be responsible for recording the minutes of the executive board meetings and distributing to current members.

Current Officers

Kelsey Rene


Rachel Beldner


Maggie Deforge

Match Secretary

Jess Easter

Recruitment Chair

Chloe Feucht

Fundraising Chair

LeeAnn Hyman

Social Chair

Ash Davison

Public Relations Chair

Laura Cooper

Member at Large


The President is responsible for administering elections in the manner set forth in the Bylaws:

  • Officers are elected by a simple majority vote of the current body of active Player Members

  • If there are multiple candidates for a single position and no candidate receives a simple majority of the votes cast, the candidate receiving the fewest votes is eliminated and another vote is held

  • Any Player Member who has been active for at least one full matrix season shall be eligible for nomination

  • All current Officers are automatically nominated to run for their own position, and can decline the nomination if they do not wish to continue

  • Elections are held at the conclusion of the Spring matrix season

  • Each Player Member is entitled to one vote in each election

  • The term for all Officers is one year, beginning immediately after the election's close and terminating at the following year's election

  • All ballots shall be secret

Upon conclusion of the Spring season, the President will make an announcement calling for nominations for Board Officers and Field Captains. A copy of the Bylaws will also be provided to indicate the duties of each position. Any Player Member may nominate themselves or any other Player Member for any position (all positions are up for re-election on a yearly basis). The President will reach out to each nominee individually to confirm their eligibility for a position and their desire to run. The President will then compile the ballot, listing all candidates for each position in alphabetical order.

As of the Spring 2021 election, the President uses SurveyMonkey to administer voting due to the ability to send ballots directly to each voter, ensure each voter is only able to vote once, maintain confidentiality even to the person administering the vote, and expand voting ability beyond those members able to attend an in-person meeting. The President will research voting options on a yearly basis and utilize a more appropriate option to achieve these criteria if one becomes available.

The Spring 2021 Election Resolution outlined modified procedures for this particular election following suspension of Club operations throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Note that Coaches are hired and installed by the board (using a vote of board members if needed to establish consensus) and are not subject to voting by the Club.

Officer Onboarding

New Officer Checklist

The President is responsible for ensuring that each newly-elected officer is granted access to all necessary permissions, resources and communication channels:

Each outgoing officer will ideally meet with the incoming officer to ensure an understanding of their duties. When there is a newly-elected President, the outgoing President is responsible for arranging a handoff meeting to review all Club operations and address any questions about this handbook.

Annual Updates

Each year following elections, board officers are asked to complete the forms below. The first form is required and involves attesting to a review of this manual and an effort to update any incorrect information related to one's board position.

The second form is not required and asks demographic survey questions to help us understand who leads and supports our Eno River Rugby. We will reflect who we are by sharing this information externally in a de-identified format (individuals' names will not be associated with the information they provide on this form). Responding to this form is highly encouraged but not required, and all questions are voluntary. This survey was adapted from GuideStar's "How to collect and share DEI data" guide. See below for relevant definitions.


Publicly self-identify: The information you are providing is how you would identify in each category to the public.

Transgender: An umbrella term people may use to describe their gender identity and/or gender expression as different from the sex they were assigned at birth. People who identify as transgender might describe themselves using one or more of a wide variety of terms including genderqueer, non-binary, and transgender. Transgender people may claim/affirm their gender identity through hormones and/or surgery. Transgender identity is not dependent on surgery. Transgender identity is not a sexual orientation. (1)

Cisgender: A term used to describe a person whose gender identity is the same as the sex assigned to them at birth. (1)

Nonbinary (also non-binary): Preferred umbrella term for all genders other than female/male or woman/man, used as an adjective (e.g., Jesse is a nonbinary person). Not all nonbinary people identify as trans and not all trans people identify as nonbinary. (2)

Disability: A disability can be physical, learning, cognitive, sensory, mental or chronic health or other disability that is a barrier to everyday living. (3)

Sources: 1. UT Austin Gender & Sexuality Center 2. Trans Student Educational Resources 3. RespectAbility